We know more about designing friction than anyone!

Micro surface technology

Hoowaki® has a micro pattern library of several hundred micro pattern designs to solve a wide range of problems. Our surfaces are never sticky, never noisy, never painful and never use chemicals. Those micro patterns that solve friction problems are grouped in the following four families.

Drawing of a MicroGrip® surface

Drawing of a MicroGrip® surface

Drawing of MicroGrip Fabric® engaging fabric

Drawing of MicroGrip Fabric® engaging fabric

Drawing of MicroGripBio® multilayer surface

Drawing of MicroGripBio® multilayer surface

Drawing of a Hoowaki® Low Friction surface

Drawing of a Hoowaki® Low Friction surface



MicroGrip®This family of single layer or dual layer micro surfaces are designed to grip rubber, plastics, ice and skin. These give exceptional grip when wet, dry, oily or soapy.




MicroGrip Fabric®This family of single layer or dual layer micro surfaces are designed to grip fabric and to have a soft velvety feel. These give exceptional grip to wet or dry fabric without causing damage.




MicroGripBio®This family of complex micro surfaces uses fluid mechanics to grip the most delicate tissues inside the body without injury.





Hoowaki Low Friction: This family of micro patterns makes ordinary plastics as slippery as Teflon (PTFE), and reduces friction of sticky rubber as much as 80%.


We also have unique patterns for anti-condensation, soft touch, complete draining and more.

We have extensive capabilities for modeling, design and engineering for micro surfaces. We have a well equipped laboratory for friction testing as well as prototyping capabilities to take your product from imagination to reality.



US Patent no 9120670B2: System and method for extruding parts having micro structures

US Patent no 8,814,954: Method of manufacturing products having a metal surface

US Patent no 8,720,047: Method for making micro structured objects

US Patent application no 20170014111: Micro structured surface

US Patent application no 20170224142: Micro structured surface with improved insulation and condensation resistance

US Patent application no 20150368838: Micro structured high friction surface for high friction to fabric, yarn and fibers

US Patent application no 20110311764: Multi-scale, multi-functional micro structured material

US Patent application no 20110266724: Method for manufacturing micro structured metal or ceramic parts from feedstock

US Patent application no 20150307773: Proppant for fracking fluid



Continuously Extruded Micro Textured Polypropylene Films Byron S. Villacorta,Sarah Hulseman, Andrew H. Cannon, Ralph Hulseman, Amod A. Ogale POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE—2013, DOI 10.1002/pen 

Friction Characteristics of Micro Textured Surfaces Under Mixed and Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Ashwin Ramesh, Wasim Akram, Surya P. Mishra, Andrew H. Cannon, Andreas A. Polycarpou, William P. King, Tribology International 57 (2013) 170–176 

Extrusion of Low Friction and Low Tack Micro Structured Surfaces on Silicone Rubber 
Andrew H. Cannon, Mel Toub, and William P. King, Presented at the Fall 182nd Technical Meeting of Rubber Division, ACS Cincinnati, OH October 9-11, 2012.

A New Generation High-drag Proppant: Prototype Development, Laboratory Testing, and Hydraulic Fracturing Modeling 
Yinghui Liu, Ernesto Fonseca, Claudia Hackbarth, Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.; Ralph Hulseman, Kenneth N. Tackett II, Hoowaki LLC, Copyright 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE173338